






2019.04 - 至今:bevitor伟德官网、伟德BETVlCTOR1946、教授;中国科学院地球环境研究所、客座研究员;

2016.03 - 2019.03:中国科学院地球环境研究所、黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室、副研究员;

2012.09 - 2015.10:University of Helsinki、Finland、理学博士(地质学)、导师:Prof. Heikki Seppä;

2009.09 - 2012.06:河北师范大学、理学硕士(自然地理学)、导师:许清海教授;

2005.09 - 2009.06:河北师范大学、理学学士(地理科学)

主要从事农林花粉资源开发与利用、现代花粉与植被定量关系、气候变化与植被生态恢复、人类活动与环境相互作用等方面的研究。发表学术论文20余篇,其中第一作者SCI论文10篇,主要研究成果发表在《Quaternary Science Reviews》、《Geophysical Research Letters》、《Climate Dynamics》、《Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres》等中国科学院期刊分区表中1区和2区的国际权威杂志。研究成果被《Nature Communication》、《Journal of Climate》、《Ecological Monographs》等期刊论文引用200多次。担任国家自然科学基金委员会评审专家,及《Earth-Science Reviews》、《Geophysical Research Letters》、《科学通报》、《中国科学》等8个国内外权威期刊的评审专家。主持6项自然科学基金课题,包括国家自然科学基金青年基金、中国科学院西部之光人才培养计划、国家重点实验室培育项目等;还参与4项国家级课题研究,包括3项国家自然科学基金和1项国家实验室开放基金。









8.(参与)海洋科学与技术国家实验室开放项目:利用砗磲重建南海过去 2000 年月分辨率气候变化、2017-2020;

9.(参与)国家自然科学基金面上项目:山西北部全新世植被演替和气候变化定量重建、 2012-2014;


10.(参与)芬兰科学院项目:EBOR (Ecological history and long-term dynamics of the Boreal forest ecosystem)2014-2018

11.(参与)芬兰科学院项目:QVR (Quantitative Vegetation Reconstructions)、 2010-2013。


1. Li, J.Y., Wang, N.L., Holocene grassland fire dynamics and forcing factors in continental interior of China. Geophysical Research Letters, 47: e2020GL088049, 2020 (中科院地学一区, IF: 4.497).

2. Li, J.Y., Wang, N.L., Dodson, J., Yan, H., Zhang, X.J., Jia, W.M., Seppä, H., Holocene negative coupling of summer temperature and moisture availability over southeastern arid Central Asia. Climate Dynamics, 55: 1187–1208, 2020 (中科院地学, IF: 4.486).

3. Li, J.Y., Dodson, J., Yan, H., Wang, W.M., Innes, J.B., Zong, Y.Q., Zhang, X.J., Xu, Q.H., Ni, J., Lu, F.Y., Quantitative Holocene climatic reconstructions for the lower Yangtze region of China. Climate Dynamics, 50: 1101–1113, 2018 (中科院地学一区, IF: 3.77).

4. Li, J.Y., Yan, H., Dodson, J., Xu, Q.H., Sun, A.Z., Cheng, B., Li, C.H., Ni, J., Zhang, X.J., Lu, F.Y., Regional-scale precipitation anomalies in northern China during the Holocene and possible impact on prehistoric demographic changes. Geophysical Research Letters, 45: 12,477–12,486, 2018 (中科院地学一区, IF: 4.34).

5. Li, J.Y., Dodson, J., Yan, H., Zhang, D.D., Zhang, X.J., Xu, Q.H., Lee, H.F., Pei, Q., Cheng, B., Li, C.H., Ni, J., Sun, A.Z., Lu, F.Y., Quantifying climatic variability in monsoonal northern China over the last 2200 years and its role in driving Chinese dynastic changes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 159: 35–46, 2017 (中科院地学一区, IF: 4.797).

6. Li, J.Y, Zhao, Y., Xu, Q., Zheng, Z., Lu, H., Luo, Y., Li, Y., Li, C., Seppä, H., Human influence as a potential source of bias in pollen-based quantitative climate reconstructions. Quaternary Science Reviews, 99: 112–121, 2014 (中科院地学一区, IF: 4.797).

7. Li, J.Y., Dodson, J., Yan, H., Cheng, B., Zhang, X.J., Xu, Q.H., Ni, J., Lu, F.Y., Quantitative precipitation estimates for the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau over the last 18,000 years. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122: 5132–5143, 2017 (中科院地学二区, IF: 3.454).

8. Li, J.Y., Ilvonen, L., Xu, Q.H., Ni, J., Jin, L.Y., Holmstrom, L., Zheng, Z., Lu, H.Y., Luo, Y.L., Li, Y.C., Li, C.H., Zhang, X.J., Seppä, H., East Asian summer monsoon precipitation variations in China over the last 9500 years: a comparison of pollen-based reconstructions and model simulations. The Holocene, 26: 592–602, 2016 (中科院地学三区, IF: 2.419).

9. Li, J.Y., Xu, Q.H., Zhuo, Z., Lu, H.Y., Luo, Y.L., Li, Y.C., Li, C.H., Seppä, H., Assessing the importance of climate variables for the spatial distribution of modern pollen data in China. Quaternary Research, 83: 287–297, 2015 (中科院地学三区, IF: 2.329).

10. Li, J.Y., Xu, Q.H, Gaillard-Lemdahl, M. J., Seppä, H., Li, Y., Hun, L., Li, M.Y., Modern pollen and land-use relationships in the Taihang mountains, Hebei province, northern China—a first step towards quantitative reconstruction of human-induced land cover changes. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 22: 463–477, 2013 (中科院地学三区, IF: 2.232).

11. Dodson, J., Li, J.Y., (通讯作者) Lu, F.Y., Zhang, W.C., Yan, H., Cao, S., A Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation and environmental record from Shuangchi Maar, Hainan Province, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 523: 89–96, 2019 (中科院地学三区, IF: 2.375).

12. Chen, J.X., Shi, X.F., Liu, Y.G., Qiao, S.Q., Yang, S.X., Yan, S.J., Lv, H.H., Li, J.Y., Li, X.Y., Li, C.X., Holocene vegetation dynamics in response to climate change and hydrological processes in the Bohai region. Climate of the Past, 16, 2509–2531, 2020 (中科院地学, IF: 3.536).

13. Kaufman, D., McKay, N., Routson, C., Erb, M., Davis, B., Heiri, O., Jaccard, S.L., Tierney, J., Dätwyler, C., Axford, Y., Brussel, T., Cartapanis, O., Chase, B., Dawson, A., de Vernal, A., Engels, S., Jonkers, L., Marsicek, J., Moffa-Sánchez, P., Morrill, C., Orsi, A., Rehfeld, K., Saunders, K., Sommer, P.S., Thomas, E., Tonello, M., Tóth, M., Vachula, R., Andreev, A., Bertrand, S., Biskaborn, B., Bringué, M., Brooks, S., Caniupán, M., Chevalier, M., Cwynar, L., Emile-Geay, J., Fegyveresi, J., Feurdean, A., Finsinger, W., Fortin, M.-C., Foster, L., Fox, M., Gajewski, K., Grosjean, M., Hausmann, S., Heinrichs, M., Holmes, N., Ilyashuk, B., Ilyashuk, E., Juggins, S., Khider, D., Koinig, K., Langdon, P., Larocque-Tobler, I., Li, J.Y, Lotter, A.F., Luoto, T., Mackay, A., Magyari, E., Malevich, S., Mark, B., Massaferro, J., Montade, V., Nazarova, L., Novenko, E., Pařil, P., Pearson, E., Peros, M., Pienitz, R., Płóciennik, M., Porinchu, D., Potito, A., Rees, A., Reinemann, S., Roberts, S., Rolland, N., Salonen, J.S., Self, A., Seppä, H., Shala, S., St-Jacques, J.-M., Stenni, B., Syrykh, L., Tarrats, P., Taylor, K., van den Bos, V., Velle, G., Wahl, E., Walker, I., Wilmshurst, J., Zhang, E., Zhilich, S., 2020. A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records. Scientific Data, 7: 115, 2020 (中科院地学, IF: 5.541).

14. Zhang, W.C., Yan, H., Dodson, J., Cheng, P., Liu, C.C., Li, J.Y., Lu, F.Y., Zhou, W.J., An, Z.S., The 9.2 ka event in Asian summer monsoon area: the strongest millennial scale collapse of the monsoon during the Holocene. Climate Dynamics, 50: 2767–2782, 2018 (中科院地学一区, IF: 3.774).

15. Zhang, W.C., Yan, H., Liu, C.C., Cheng, P., Li, J.Y., Lu, F.Y., Ma, X.L., Dodson, J., Heijnis, H., Zhou, W.J., An, Z.S., The hydrological changes in the Shuangchi Maar Lake, Hainan Island of the tropical China, during the Little Ice Age. Quaternary International, 487: 54–60, 2018 (中科院地学三区, IF: 2.163).

16. Yao, F.L., Ma, C.M., Zhu, C., Li, J.Y., Chen, G., Tang, L.Y., Huang, M., Jia, T.J., Xu, J.J., Holocene climate change in the western part of Taihu Lake region, East China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 485: 963–973, 2017 (中科院地学三区, IF: 2.375).

17. Xu, Q.H., Chen, F.H., Zhang, S.R., Cao, X.Y., Li, J.Y., Li, Y.C., Li, M.Y., Chen, J.H., Liu, J.B., Wang, Z.L., Vegetation succession and East Asian Summer Monsoon Changes since the last deglaciation inferred from high-resolution pollen record in Gonghai Lake, Shanxi Province, China. The Holocene, 27: 835–846, 2017 (中科院地学三区, IF: 2.419).

18. Zhang, S.R., Xu, Q.H., Gaillard, M.J., Cao, X.Y., Li, J.Y., Zhang, L.Y., Li, Y.C., Tian, F., Zhou, L.P., Lin, F.Y., Characteristic pollen source area and vertical pollen dispersal influx and pollen deposition in a mixed coniferous and deciduous broad-leaved woodlands of the Changbai Mountain, NE China. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 25: 29–43, 2016 (中科院地学三区, IF: 2.232).

19. Li, M.Y., Xu, Q.H., Zhang, S.R., Li, Y.C., Ding, W., Li, J.Y., Indicator pollen taxa of human-induced and natural vegetation in Northern China. The Holocene, 25: 686–701, 2015 (中科院地学三区, IF: 2.419).

20. Zhang, S.R., Xu, Q.H., Nielsen, A.B., Chen, H., Li, Y.C., Ding, W., Li, M.Y., Hun, L.Y., Li, J.Y., Pollen assemblages and their environmental implications in the Qaidam Basin, NW China. Boreas, 41: 602–613, 2012 (中科院地学三区, IF: 2.638).

21. 李建勇,许清海,曹现勇,庞瑞洺,丁伟,林凤友.长白山针阔叶混交林花粉通量及垂直散布特征年际变化研究.第四纪研究,31: 1–102011.

22. 沈巍,许清海,李建勇,李曼玥,张攀攀,卢静瑶.山区小流域花粉植被土地利用的关系: 定量检测人类活动对环境的影响.地球科学进展,32: 972–9822017.

23. 浑凌云,许清海,张生瑞,王法岗,刘连强,李建勇,李曼玥.河北阳原侯家窑遗址孢粉组合特征及揭示的古环境与古气候演变.第四纪研究,31: 951–9612011.





