








2007.09-2011.07 bevitor伟德官网环境工程专业 学士

2011.09-2012.12 英国诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham, UK)环境工程专业 硕士

2012.10-2016.07 英国约克大学(University of York, UK)环境科学专业 博士


2016.05-2018.09 日本爱媛大学(Ehime University, Japan)沿岸环境研究中心 博士后研究员(Postdoctoral Research Fellow)

2018.04-2019.01 伟德BETVlCTOR1946 环境工程专业 讲师

2019.02至今 伟德BETVlCTOR1946 环境工程专业 教授


陕西省人民代表大会常务委员会环境与资源保护咨询专家,陕西省秦岭生态环境保护“青年学者”及专家委员会委员(共青团),陕西省生态环境厅环境应急专家,商洛、汉中、铜川等市生态环境局环评专家,陕西省地理学会常务理事。担任《Frontiers in Toxicology》副主编、《Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry》编委、《南水北调与水利科技(中英文)》青年编委。






Google Scholar主页:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=e1M6BzIAAAAJ&hl=en

ORCID ID:https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8215-3726



PhD opportunities:

I am interested in hearing from international students who wish to pursue a PhD in Geography (taught in English or Chinese) on a topic related to elucidating the spatial and temporal distribution pattern of emerging contaminants (e.g., antibiotics, PAHs, etc.) in contaminated freshwaters, as well as their ecotoxicity on the biodiversity and function of microbial community (e.g., phytoplankton/ periphyton/sediment).

Scholarship opportunities: NWU scholarship, Sanqin Scholarship, and Chinese government Scholarship, details can be found in




[1]. 周丛生物对河流大环内酯类抗生素污染的响应特征及转化机制,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2022-2024

[2]. 基于流域水环境复合污染与生态响应的土地利用优化配置研究,陕西省国际科技合作计划项目-重点项目,2022-2023

[3]. 商代中期赤兰桥遗址冶炼活动的环境残留及其对古人类健康影响,中国-中亚人类与环境“一带一路”联合实验室开放基金,2022-2023

[4]. 陕西省重点研发计划一般项目,2020-2021

[5]. 陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划,2020-2021

[6]. 陕西省级青年人才项目,2018-2023

[7]. 废物基生物炭用于城市棕地重金属污染土壤修复研究,自然资源部退化及未利用土地整治工程重点实验室开放基金,2020-2021

[8]. 陕西省农药使用情况调研与普及低危害使用方法研究,陕西省提升公众科学素质研究计划(重点),陕西省科协,2019-2020

[9]. 古代青铜冶铸活动对土壤环境的影响研究—以老牛坡遗址为例,文化遗产研究与保护技术教育部重点实验室开放基金,2019-2021

[10]. bevitor伟德官网科研启动基金项目:大环内酯类抗生素对不同蓝藻种属的生态毒性研究,2018-2020

[11]. 某县秦岭生态保护实施方案编制,2020-2021



[1] Jiahua Guo, Jiezhang Mo, Qianju Qi, Jianglin Peng, Guizeng Qi, Mirella Kanerva, Hisato Iwata, and Qi Li, Prediction of adverse effects of phenolic compounds in Ba River on the ovary of fish (Hemiculter leucisculus): a multi-omics approach, Science of the total Environment 801: 149554, 2021 (IF = 10.75).

[2] Jiahua Guo, Shan Liu, Li Zhou, Bo Cheng, Qi Li, Prioritizing pharmaceuticals based on environmental risks in the aquatic environment in China, Journal of Environmental Management 278: 111479, 2021 (IF = 8.91).

[3] Jiahua Guo, Yibo Zhang, Jiezhang Mo, Haotian Sun, Qi Li, Sulfamethoxazole-altered transcriptomein green alga raphidocelis subcapitata suggests inhibition of translation and dna damage repair, Frontiers in Microbiology 12: 541451, 2021 (IF = 6.07).

[4] Jiahua Guo, Zhihua Ma, Jianglin Peng, Jiezhang Mo, Qi Li, Jipu Guo, Fangshe Yang, Transcriptomic analysis of Raphidocelis subcapitata exposed to erythromycin: the role of DNA replication in hormesis and growth inhibition, Journal of Hazardous Materials 402: 123512, 2021 (IF = 14.22).

[5] Jiahua Guo, Yi Bai, Zhi Chen, Jiezhang Mo, Qi Li, Haotian Sun, and Qiang Zhang, Transcriptomic analysis suggests the inhibition of DNA damage repair in green alga Raphidocelis subcapitata exposed to roxithromycin, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 201: 110737, 2020 (IF = 7.12).

[6] Jiahua Guo, Jiezhang Mo, Qian Zhao, Qizhi Han, Mirella Kanerva, Hisato Iwata, and Qi Li. De novo transcriptomic analysis predicts the effects of phenolic compounds in Ba River on the liver of female sharpbelly (Hemiculter leucisculus), Environmental Pollution 264: 114642, 2020 (IF = 9.98).

[7] Jiahua Guo, Jianglin Peng, Yuan Lei, Mirella Kanerva, Qi Li, Jinxi Song, Jipu Guo, and Haotian Sun, Comparison of oxidative stress induced by clarithromycin in two freshwater microalgae Raphidocelis subcapitata and Chlorella vulgaris, Aquatic Toxicology 219: 105376, 2020 (IF = 5.2).

[8] Jiahua Guo, Hoa Thanh Nguyen, Shohei Ito, Thomas Bean, and Hisato Iwata, Hazard assessment of chemicals in avian embryos by using “omics” approaches: What are the challenges?. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 15: 482-484, 2019 (IF = 2.99).

[9] Jiahua Guo, Hoa Thanh Nguyen, Shohei Ito, Kimika Yamamoto, Mirella Kanerva, and Hisato Iwata, In ovo Exposure to Triclosan Alters the Hepatic Proteome in Chicken Embryos. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 165: 495-504, 2018 (IF = 7.12).

[10] Jiahua Guo, Shohei Ito, Hoa Thanh Nguyen, Kimika Yamamoto, and Hisato Iwata, Effects on the Hepatic Transcriptome of Chicken Embryos in ovo Exposed to Phenobarbital. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 160: 94-103, 2018 (IF = 7.12).

[11] Jiahua Guo, Shohei Ito, Hoa Thanh Nguyen, Kimika Yamamoto, Rumi Tanoue, Tatsuya Kunisue, and Hisato Iwata, Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Triclosan on the Liver Transcriptome in Chicken Embryos, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 347: 23-32, 2018 (IF = 4.21).

[12] Jiahua Guo, Iwata Hisato, Risk Assessment of Triclosan in the Global Environment using a Probabilistic Approach, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 143: 111-119, 2017 (IF = 7.12).

[13] Jiahua Guo, Chris Sinclair, Katherine Selby and Alistair Boxall, Toxicological and Ecotoxicological Risk Based on Prioritisation of Pharmaceuticals in the Natural Environment, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35: 1550-1559, 2016a (IF = 3.74).

[14] Jiahua Guo, Katherine Selby and Alistair Boxall, Comparing the Sensitivity of Chlorophytes, Cyanobacteria and Diatoms to Major-Use Antibiotics, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35: 2587-2596, 2016b (IF = 3.74).

[15] Jiahua Guo, Katherine Selby and Alistair Boxall, Assessment of the Risks of Mixtures of Major Use Veterinary Antibiotics in European Surface Waters. Environmental Science and Technology, 50, 8282-8289, 2016c (IF = 9.02).

[16] Jiahua Guo, Katherine Selby and Alistair Boxall, Effects of Antibiotics on the Growth and Physiology of Chlorophytes, Cyanobacteria and a Diatom. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 71: 589-602, 2016d (IF = 2.8).

[17] Jiahua Guo, Alistair Boxall and Katherine Selby, Do Pharmaceuticals Pose a Threat to Primary Producers? Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 45: 2565-2610, 2015 (IF = 12.56).

[18] Jiahua Guo, Jingya Ren, Chao Chang, Qiannan Duan, Jun Li, Mirella Kanerva, Fangshe Yang*, Jiezhang Mo, Freshwater crustacean exposed to active pharmaceutical ingredients: Ecotoxicological effects and mechanisms, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30: 48868-48902, 2023 (IF = 5.19).

[19] Haotian Sun, Qiqi Chen, Wenwu Chen, Chengkai Qu, Jiezhang Mo, Jinxi Song, Jiahua Guo*, Yulu Tian*, Assessment of biological community in riparian zone contaminated by PAHs: Linking source apportionment to biodiversity, Science of the Total Environment 851: 158121, 2022 (IF = 10.75).

[20] Haotian Sun, Qiqi Chen, Chengkai Qu, Yulu Tian, Jinxi Song, Ziteng Liu, Jiahua Guo*, Occurrence of OCPs & PCBs and their effects on multitrophic biological communities in riparian groundwater of the Beiluo River, China, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 253: 114713, 2023 (IF = 7.12).

[21] Nan Li, Yongrong Hao, Haotian Sun, Qiong Wu, Yulu Tian, Jiezhang Mo, Fangshe Yang, Jinxi Song, Jiahua Guo*, Distribution and photosynthetic potential of epilithic periphyton along an altitudinal gradient in Jue river (Qinling Mountain, China), Freshwater Biology, 67:1761, 2022 (IF = 3.5) (本科生一作).

[22] Jingya Ren, Fangshe Yang, Ning Ding, Jiezhang Mo, Jiahua Guo*, Transcriptomic responses to cytotoxic drug cisplatin in water flea Daphnia magna, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 95:103964, 2022 (IF = 5.78).

[23] Jiezhang Mo, Qianju Qi, Yongrong Hao, Yuan Lei, Jiahua Guo*, Transcriptional response of a green alga (Raphidocelis subcapitata) exposed to triclosan: photosynthetic systems and DNA repair, Journal of Environmental Science 111: 400-411, 2021 (IF = 6.79).

[24] Qi Li, Denglong Lu, Haotian Sun, Jiahua Guo*, Jiezhang Mo*, Tylosin toxicity in the alga Raphidocelis subcapitata revealed by integrated analyses of transcriptome and metabolome: photosynthesis and DNA replication-coupled repair, Aquatic Toxicology 239: 2021 (IF = 5.2).

[25] Zhihua Ma, Fangshe Yang, Jingya Ren, Rong Fan, Qiannan Duan, Jipu Guo, Jiahua Guo*, Growth inhibition and oxidative stress in two green algal species exposed to erythromycin, Journal of the American Water Resources Association 57: 628-637, 2021 (IF = 2.69).

[26] Jianglin Peng, Jiahua Guo*, Yuan Lei, Jiezhang Mo, Jinxi Song*, Integrative analyses of transcriptomics and metabolomics in Raphidocelis subcapitata treated with clarithromycin, Chemosphere 266: 128933, 2020 (IF = 8.94).

[27] Qizhi Han, Yuan Zheng, Qianju Qi, Jianglin Peng, Jinxi Song, Jipu Guo, Jiahua Guo*, Involvement of oxidative stress in the sensitivity of two algal species exposed to roxithromycin, Ecotoxicology 29: 625–633, 2020 (IF = 2.82).

[28] Qiang Zhang, Yi Bai, Zhi Chen, Jiezhang Mo, Yulu Tian, Jiahua Guo*, Lincomycin-induced transcriptional alterations in the green alga Raphidocelis subcapitata, Applied Sciences 10: 8265, 2020 (IF = 2.83).

[29] Qi Li, Bo Cheng, Shan Liu, Yibo Zhang, Li Zhou, Jiahua Guo*, Assessment of the risks of the major use antibiotics in China’s surface waters using a probabilistic approach, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 16: 43-52, 2019 (IF = 3.08).

[30] Jiezhang Mo, Zhihua Ma, Shiwei Yan, Napo Kwok Ming Cheung, Jiahua Guo*, Metabolomic profiles in a green alga (Raphidocelis subcapitata) following erythromycin treatment: ABC transporters and energy metabolism, Journal of Environmental Sciene 124: 591-601, 2023 (IF = 6.79).

[31] Qianju Qi, Qi Li, Jing Li, Jiezhang Mo, Yulu Tian, Jiahua Guo*, Transcriptomic analysis and transgenerational effects of ZnO nanoparticles on daphnia magna: endocrine-disrupting potential and energy metabolism, Chemosphere 290: 133362, 2022 (IF = 8.94).

[32] Jiezhang Mo, Linrong Han, Runnan Lv, Michael W. L. Chiang, Rong Fan, Jiahua Guo*, Triclosan toxicity in a model cyanobacterium (Anabaena flos-aquae): growth, photosynthesis and transcriptomic response, Journal of Environmental Science 127: 82-90, 2023 (IF = 6.79).

[33] Shiwei Yan, Wei Yu, Ting Yang, Qi Li, Jiahua Guo*, The adsorption of corn stalk biochar for Pb and Cd: Preparation, characterization and batch adsorption study, Separations 9: 22, 2022 (IF = 3.34).

[34] Yuan Lei, Jiahua Guo*, Qiqi Chen, Jiezhang Mo, Yulu Tian, Hisato Iwata, and Jinxi Song*, Transcriptomic alterations in water flea (Daphnia magna) following pravastatin treatments: insect hormone biosynthesis and energy metabolism, Toxics 10: 110, 2022 (IF = 4.47).

[35] Jiezhang Mo, Jiahua Guo*, Hisato Iwata, Jerry Diamond, Chengkai Qu, Jiuqiang Xiong, Jie Han, What approaches should be used to prioritize PPCPs for research on environmental and human health exposure and effects? Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry doi: 10.1002/etc.5520, 2022 (IF = 4.21).

[36] Shiwei Yan, Ning Ding, Xiunan Yao, Jinxi Song, Wei He, Fozia Rehman, Jiahua Guo*, Effects of erythromycin and roxithromycin on river periphyton: structure, functions and metabolic pathways, Chemosphere 316: 137793, 2023 (IF = 8.94).

[37] Qidi Wang, Shiwei Yan, Chao Chang, Chengkai Qu, Yulu Tian, Jinxi Song, Jiahua Guo*, Occurrence, potential risk assessment and source apportion-ment of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in water from Beiluo River, Water 15: 459, 2023 (IF = 3.53) (本科生一作).

[38] Linrong Han, Chao Chang, Shiwei Yan, Chengkai Qu, Yulu Tian, Jipu Guo, Jiahua Guo*, Distribution, Sources and Risk Assessment of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Sediments from Beiluo River, Toxics 11: 139, 2023 (IF = 4.47).

[39] Xiunan Yao, Ninglian Wang, Xingwang Zheng, Quanlian Li, Ewerton Santos, Linda Maharjan, Junjie Wang, Zhihui Guo, Jiahua Guo, Huan Zhang, Kui Zheng, Jingquan Wue, Yao Lie, Highly sensitive ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry detection method for levoglucosan based on Na+ enhancing its ionization efficiency, RSC Advances 13: 7030, 2023 (IF = 4.03).

[40] Qi Li *, Qian Zhao, Jiahua Guo, Xi Li and Jinxi Song, Transcriptomic analysis of diethylstilbestrol in daphnia magna: energy metabolism and growth inhibition, Toxics 11: 197, 2023  (IF = 4.47).

[41] Yibo Zhang, Da He, Zhuoyu Bu, Yanxue Li, Jiahua Guo, Qi Li, The transcriptomic analysis revealed sulfamethoxazole stress at environmentally relevant concentration on the mechanisms of toxicity of cyanobacteria Synechococcus sp, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10: 107637, 2022 (IF = 7.96).

[42] Jiezhang Mo, Doris Wai-Ting Au, Jiahua Guo, Christoph Winkler, Richard Yuen-Chong Kong, Frauke Seemann, Benzo(a)pyrene: emphasis on osteotoxicity and the regulatory roles of genetic and epigenetic factors – a review, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2021, DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2021.1915052, 2021 (IF = 12.56).

[43] Hoa Thanh Nguyen, Kimika Yamamoto, Midori Iida, Tetsuro Agusa, Mari Ochiai, Jiahua Guo, Rajendiran Karthikraj, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Eun-Young Kim, Hisato Iwata, Effects of prenatal bisphenol A exposure on the hepatic transcriptome and proteome in rat offspring, Science of the Total Environment 720: 137568, 2020 (IF = 10.75).

[44] Changhe Shi, Chengkai Qu, Wen Sun, Jingzhe Zhou, Jiawei Zhang, Yu Cao, Yuan Zhang, Jiahua Guo, Jiaquan Zhang, Shihua Qi, Multimedia distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Wang Lake Wetland, China. Environmental Pollution 306: 119358, 2022 (IF = 9.98).

[45] Yulu Tian, Dingxue Xu, Jinxi Song, Jiahua Guo, Xinjun You, Yuan Jiang, Impacts of land use changes on ecosystem services at different elevations in an ecological function area, northern China. Ecological Indicators 140: 109003, 2022 (IF = 6.26).

[46] Evgenios Agathokleous, Jiahua Guo, Josep Penuelas. Low doses of toxicants can enhance algae potential as biodiesel and biomass feedstocks, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 168: 112858, 2022 (IF = 16.79).

[47] Menglei Wu, Yana Jia, Yuzhu Zhang, Rui Wen, Jiahua Guo, Ninglian Wang, Wanqing Liu, Haijun Qiu, Haoyu Wang, Yiheng Xian, Chun Yu, Ting Yang. Heavy metal pollution from copper smelting during the Shang Dynasty at the Laoniupo site in the Bahe River valley, Guanzhong Basin, China, Journal of Geographical Sciences 31: 1675-1693, 2021 (IF = 4.01).

[48] Hongling Qin, Zhi Quan, Hongzhao Yuan, Xinliang Liu, Yijun Zhu, Chunlan Chen, Jiahua Guo, Jinshui Wu and Wenxue Wei, Response of Ammonium-Oxidizing (amoA) and Nitrate-Reducing (narG) Gene Abundances in Groundwater to Land Use Change. Water, Air, & Soil, Pollution 225: 1908-1916, 2014 (IF = 2.52).

[49] Alistair Boxall, Jiahua Guo and Chris Sinclair, Risk Based Prioritisation of Pharmaceuticals. Publisher: UK Water Industry Research Limited, London, ISBN: 1840577355, total pages: 88, 2014.

[50] 张柏桓, 丁宁, 孙昊田, 田雨露, 樊荣, 宋进喜, 郭家骅*. 城市河流沉积物微生物群落对污水处理厂排放的响应: 以西安市皂河为例, 南水北调与水利科技(中英文), 2022, 20(6): 1117-1127.

[51] 张涵,王芝麟,邹彬,郭季璞,陈文武,田雨露,郭家骅*. 黄土高原北洛河沉积物重金属的分布、生态风险及来源解析, 南水北调与水利科技(中英文), 2023, 10.13476/j.cnki.nsbdqk.2023.0034.

[52] 孙昊田, 陈文武, 郝永荣, 陈琪琪, 宋进喜, 郭家骅*. 秦岭潏河不同海拔和环境因子对生物多样性及群落结构的影响, 生态学杂志, 2023, https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail//21.1148.q.20230213.1813.016.html.

[53] 邹彬, 张涵, 王芝麟, 郭季璞, 陈文武, 常超, 郭家骅*. 黄土高原北洛河表层沉积物中有机氯农药的分布、来源及生态风险评估, 地球与环境, 2023 (已接受)

[54] 赵倩, 戚钱菊, 郭家骅, 李琦, 典型杀虫剂类内分泌干扰物对水生溞类的毒性效应研究进展, 生态毒理学报, 2022, 17(01):137-149.